March 11, 2013

Lately In Ohio..

 It has been forever since I've updated this and I thought it was about time! These are just a couple of pieces that I've been working on since I've come to Ohio and I'm so grateful that I brought my sewing machine here with me because it gives me something to do when I'm not working or just sitting around all day. 

First off I have been in love with all these tulle skirts I've been seeing all over and I just knew I needed one, so I attempted to just make one for myself. I found this really awesome neon fabric at JoAnns and thought I could just layer it with tulle. I liked how it turned out but it wasn't exactly how I had imagined and didn't have nearly enough tulle. I really think you need just layers and layers of tulle to get that great full princess skirt effect. I am determined to get it right next time! 


What I made:

I love collars right now, especially beaded/embellished ones! I used some scrap fabric from the neon skirt to make this simple boxy top with a beaded collar! There's something about hand beading things that is so calm and relaxing to me. I could bead everything I make!


What I made:

Here's just a simple see through skirt that you can throw on top of any other skirt, it just gives whatever you're wearing extra texture and color. This was really easy to make and just uses an elastic waistband

What I made:

& of course peplums, which of course I'm in love with and I have been dying to buy a dress or top but knew that this would be so simple to make and I finally did! Hopefully they stay in style for a little big longer so that it payed off to make it! 


What I made:

I really do miss taking classes right now and having dress forms available to me! I just love creating new things and coming up with new projects :) Hopefully I will have more to show in the near future!

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